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    Until 2019, Welsh government was engaged in a £70 million deal with Atos, an IT service provider that will continue the long-established partnership of the two parties. It will enhance and forms some part of the Welsh government ICT strategy and the five-year agreement extension will start by the year 2014.

    Since 1998, the IT services firm Atos which has been a partner of Welsh government will target to persist to deliver flexibility and handle a multi-source environment. The contract would allow the government to focus on their long-term benefits, this was stated by their permanent secretary of the Welsh government, Dame Gillian Morgan.

    In additional to that they were very devoted to guarantee that they did not compromise the possibility for longer term growth that could deliver all over the public sector, apart from that they want to secure the value for money and the services that they wanted for Welsh Government.

    She added that they consider this option to provide the flexibility, service and value that they are looking for. To target the major strategic issues, Atos manages the Merlin team that works together with the Welsh government. To reinforce capability in-house and sustain the change all over the Welsh public sector that is sustainable and effective, aside from that it will ensure that the government is a flexible and high geared department, these are included on the objective of the team.






    With the computer problems that have led to chaos for millions of its bank customers the RBS swiftly denied its outsourcing program to India. The RBS has shed about the 30,000 jobs including more than 20,000 UK-based roles and has outsourced work abroad. The bank’s vast computer servers are based in Britain wherein it is believed that the software error occurred. The insiders confirmed last night that many of their support team are based in India. The RBS advertized for a series of key jobs in the Indian City of Hyderabad. They are seeking a computer graduates with a several years experience of using CA-7. The program which the bank uses to run its vast network of transactions and accounts. Technology website claimed that the malfunctioning software in the UK would be being updated and at the same time overseen from India.

    The insiders stated that the problems was began. It allows all the cashpoint withdrawals, direct debits to be updated and salary transfers. The reason why internet banking transactio9ns made by so many customers are not updated if they are made after a certain time of the day is the nightly update. The crucial files were deleted then the error was spotted and it was repeated last Wednesday and Thursday.

    The problem was that in every single transaction that was waiting in the queue had to be reprocessed in a strict order of the arrival causing on the further delays. The Unite union questioned whether the offshoring job cuts had left the bank unable to cope after the software failure however the RBS has consistently denied that the decision to relocate jobs in India has made any difference at all to its handling of the situation. The critics stated that if the number of tje UK-based support staff had been run down, if there was a major fault it would always run the risk of problems.







    One of the world’s foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services is Capgemini, it announced that they already accomplish a strong transition phase with Agrana Group, providing a Finance and Accounting Business Process Outsourcing services. The Capgemini has already beginning working on conversion and processes harmonization using its Global Process Model and the Agrana Standard Process Model methodology to attain efficiency, standardization and process compliance under the of the seven year affiliation.

    The Capgemini’s goal is to help centralize Agrana’s F&A processes including Accounts Payable, General Ledger and Accounts Receivable. From Capgemini’s Business Process Outsourcing center in Krakow, Poland services are being delivered in eight different European languages. In Central and Eastern Europe, Agrana is a leading sugar company, manufacturer of customer-specific starch products in Europe and supplier of biothanol in Austria and Hungary as well as a global producer of fruit preparations and of fruit juice concentrates.  To help them meet their challenges, Agrana chose Capgemini including support to help minimize back office delay, standardization and optimization, process compliance and improve transparency. Since August 2010, the transition part of the project has been rolled out. The Capgemini has transformed and reorganized Agrana’s teams per process rather than per country during this period.

    The Capgemini has also analyzed the differences and gaps in processes and has proposed several standardization approaches and rules.The CFO and Management Board member, Walter Grausam said to Agrana that they chose Capgemini because of their experience in driving process standardization and harmonization. They felt that they had a good understanding of their needs and were a good cultural fit for them. The Capgemini has unrivalled Business Process Outsourcing expertise to help them innovate their F&A process in a collaborative manner and leverage their performance to provide better ROI.





    As it had become the biggest software firm all over the world, in 2013 it will be 50 years before the Computer Sciences Corporation or CSC climbed on the New York Exchange, however if 2013 is like 2012, the firm will have a little to rejoice. CSC announced a pre-tax decrease of $4.3 billion on its revenues of $15.99 billion, it is down by 2.9 percent. The main reason of that accounting decreases is the write-offs related to a number of under-performing contracts.

    The $1.5 billion charge related to the discharge of the long-troubled National Program for IT or NPfIT of the NHS is the biggest write-off of the accounting for over one third overall in which CSC was one of the two main contractors. It followed by the 2011 proposal of CSC to lessen the cost of deployment by one third, as Lorenzo supplied for the integrated care records system for just a 80 over 220 NHS contracts, it is assumed to double the cost of some of the deployment.

    The CSC’s new CEO Mike Lawrie is observing the NPfIT project with just one of 40 projects in the emergency ward, he was previously the CEO of banking software supplier Misys for 5 years and he also assigned under the legendary Lou Gerstner, the IBM CEO, that is why he is called as an overall specialist. It is ordinary for an upcoming CEO to see all kinds of issues in his first months in handling the firm and get some tremendous charges to hide the costs affiliated with them. But the NHS argument is absolutely true.

    The most eminence of all the most recent deal that they win was the £400 million agreement with the Ministry of Defence to handle pay, HR and pensions administration in April for the SPVA or the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency and it follows by the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust with a 7-10 year outsourcing contract. To analyze all the contracts that worth $50 million, Lawrie announced that he had settled in place a systems assurance programme and over the upcoming 12 to 18 months, he anticipated to lower the costs by almost $1 billion and it includes the job losses in the United Kingdom.

    With an overall 1,100 jobs, CSC declared two tranches of the deduction this year however some analysts are optimistic that CSC will now get to catch with some of its issues. A director of analyst TechMarketView, Tola Sargent said that Lawrie is now discussing the matter to the head of the NHS and is confident that the much-awaited temporary deal will finalize soon. Lawrie was determined to carry new business engagement in the year to the end of March 2011 worth $14.8 billion towards the fiscal 2012 worth $19.8 billion.







    To introduce and handle its SAP ERP or enterprise resource planning, AngloGold Ashanti, the gold mining firm has captured a 5-year agreement with Fujitsu. Over to a single situation of SAP in a project that is being organized by Accenture, the contract is part of its broader OneERP plan to shift from more or less 30 various ERP systems all over the globe.

    In the previous years, AngloGold has succeeded as the value of gold has increased, apart from that the company has evolved that follows a number of acquisitions around the world. The firm is a part of the Anglo American mining conglomerate and since 2009, the firm has outlined its OneERP strategy.

    It also originated the Project One, it is a business process improvement project planned to accommodate several business processes all over the company. Moreover, this had been restrained by most of the various ERP systems that AngloGold presently operates. AngloGold Ashanti CIO Andrew Crocker, staff store major corporate data on Microsoft Access spreadsheets and databases says that in some regions.

    Consequently, the project will also enhance the data communications to several of the remote mining sites that the firm manages, specifically in South America and Africa. However, the firm settled to solidify on SAP considering the range of the applications it provides, SAP was only operating in the firm’s Australian operations just before the turn out.

    The HR modules organization management, talent management, payroll and personnel administration together with the materials management, business intelligence, maintenance and finance are included in the modules being performed. Before being rolled out in phases all over the firm’s various sites from February 2013, the Fujitsu-hosted SAP ERP will be proven from August to December. Furthermore, by the second quarter of 2014, the project is anticipated to be accomplished, however the value of the agreement was not yet revealed.






    The government’s plan to transfer more NHS decision-making to primary care trusts is the circumstances of the stalled relationship within the firm and the NHS instead of the downfall to approve new agreement terms, it was suggested by the CSC president of healthcare, Guy Hains. The development on the Lorenzo project is presently at an agreed delay up to June 1 and the commonly settled deadline of March 31 for the accomplishment of contract transactions on the capacity and cost of the program has approved without the compliance.

    Hains stated that he can report that the conversation with the NHS is essentially works well, and the two parties keep seeing abundant merit in the altered structure they approved. He can say that the interruption emulates the involvement of the innovation. Most of it is the extent to which the NHS is transforming. Hence there is a demand to consult extensively on the agreement, as the government together with the NHS is turning too much more authorized power in the trusts.

    They sustain to utilize products into the NHS and that kind of momentum has not dropped out. They are also promoting to add in the Lorenzo product and they are operating with trusts who are developing and co-developing those products nowadays mostly in the clinical elements of the program. As they go forward, deployment will need them to work with more simultaneous trusts. They also need to be more active in the industry as the decision-making is passed on.

    The continuous restructuring of the NHS means that as the power is transferred to trusts, those trusts will be more dependent on CSC to help them and cater the arrange version of the technology that could be observed as a pragmatic reading of the information or as a wrapped threat to the government that an agreement needs to be forced to prevent a downfall of different IT programs all over the NHS, Hains recommended. Certainly the government has stated as a policy move towards the trusts and the key customer contact will now carry on.

    He reminded some analysts that CSC was taking an offering worth $1.5bn and was moving to lessen its costs ofterminating 30 percent of its workforce on the NHS program, however, Hains declined to talk about the total financial references for CSC of the downfall to sign a revised agreement with the NHS. As they stated in the past, they assume their UK healthcare revenues to be nearly two or three percent of CSC’s total revenue. By that Lorenzo will not be taking a forceful part of the revenue for the next year, he added.







    In the Official Journal of the European Union, FT estimated that the public sector outsourcing tenders worth some £4 billion are now under negotiations. This by no means that relates to ICT outsourcing that is estimated at about 5%-6% of the said figure with the higher levels associated with business process outsourcing however ICT does form a significant part and plays a role in other contracts. The other piece of details is a survey of 250 OT professionals released by the security software specialist Lieberman Software that reveals IT outsourcing instead of saving organizations money that can actually end up costing.

    The 42% of respondents reported that costs for their outsourcing agreements were higher than originally planned base to the survey. 64% of them believe that their IT outsourcer had already invented projects to inflate their fee. The 71% do outsource of their outsourcers more than work performed in house, the 52% felt the quality of service that was about the same while the 33% have less trust in the work performed by the outsourcer. Base on the FT reports the first snippet as a boom for outsourcing but combined with the second, the boom could be louder an d more damaging than they expect. The FT cannot afford any false friends with no money to spare in the public sector.

    Philip Lieberman the CEO of the software company’s stated that while the outsourcing might at first appear to be perfect solution to cutting costs in times of austerity. The trust in the quality of work is being eroded is a worrying trend but for him the thought work is being manufactured to inflate fees even more of concern.

    He also said that when Information Technology is increasingly a strategic tool for successful companies. The winners will be those organizations that use technology to create differentiation that’s difficult for the competitors to match in the coming decades. They must select their IT outsourced partner on an appropriate set of criteria for those organizations that use technology to create differentiation that’s difficulty for competitors to match.

    For those organizations that are going to do they must select their Information Technology outsourced partner on appropriate set of criteria however resiliency, data security, transparency and ultimately trust.



    Lots of people says that Pure is the brand that is synonymous with digital radio. This is elegantly designed sets that mix quality with affordability, their products are at one both mass market and classless. Imagination Technologies is a company that license the intellectual property in microchips to other manufacturers. The pure was a brand inaugurate because there was a gap in the digital radio market and because there was a gap in the digital radio market and because the firm need more consumer facing brand to use its own products. Base to the States long-serving Chief Govt Hossein Yassaie, they virtually went to the pub and created a summary of names, they wanted something that was just one word, four or five letter.

    The firm’s first concept was £499 and larger than a big shoebox, it also examine with out a restricted edition £99 concept and it is also the company for DAB radio instantly became crystal clear. The federal government as well as the BBC have been eager to roll out digital nationwide, with all the optimistic ambition of eventually turning off the analohue sign and pure was in a position to get the coat tails of a revolution is the Industrial stations.






    According to the union Unite, CSC an IT services giant is planning a moreover 640 United Kingdom redundancies. It has brought an overall number of job losses declared at the firm since the beginning of February with 1,100 individuals. Kevin O’ Gallagher  told that he had been instructed that the redundancies were outlined to get higher profitability. He added that this further announcement comes totally unexpected, succeeding several weeks of consultation with eliminating of employees that works on the NHS Lorenzo contract.

    He was shocked that CSC had made the declaration at the start of a meeting to bring up the current redundancy programme. He said that the firm messed up the matter by announcing an intent to create a moreover 640 redundancies all over the business and most in the field where redeployed employees will be dispatched. CSC’s recent announcement with regards to job losses provoked a protest by Unite’s CSC members that O’Gallagher acknowledged a good result.

    CSC has validated the new programme of job losses, they can prove that they have begun a formal 90-day consultation process in the United Kingdom  that could eliminate the number of individual that worked in their UK business by an expected number of 640 individual. The action is important as the IT services market is evolving and their customers want aggressive, new services with various agreement and delivery models.

    He was frustrated to learn that the job cuts would be just within the area of the United Kingdom with no redundancies in CSC’s offshore NHS programme employees, told by O’Gallagher of Unite. He anticipated that a 400 to 500 tough CSC workforce was employed only on NHS work in India and that their job security had been secured by the firm. On the other hand, CSC did not revoke that accusation however they said that their India-based product development organization has encountered reductions that primary acquired by attrition but  has a greater portfolio over NHS work. Today with a tougher team of over 23,000 staff that works in India all over its development and delivery centers in seven locations, CSC manages a global delivery model together with the industry practices.

    They also added that it continues to be fully committed in the UK market. CSC hoped that voluntary redundancies and redeployment would lessen the need for required redundancies. They have advanced a elaborated plan that will prevent any necessary redundancies in the firm, as Unite’s O’Gallagher declined the firm’s comments. But the plans have not been turned on and in spite of getting sufficient size of propose requests to assent the firm CSC is demanding on issuing mandatory redundancy notices.

    Martyn Hart, chairman of outsourcing trade body the NOA or National Outsourcing Association reinforced CSC’s redundancy programme and arrived to commend that mandatory layoffs were in CSC’s sympathy. The employees volunteering for redundancies are the ones who can acquire work elsewhere. CSC cannot afford to let go of their competent workers as they go to this kind of transition, but CSC is a private firm that needs to plan some ways on how to reorganize their team.






    Based on the survey, the public sector in the United Kingdom industry with the least infrastructure for DR or disaster recovery and backup. Almost 61 percent of respondents that belongs in the public sector say that their disaster recovery is not well handled and the same proportion which is 59 percent say that some business executives are not affirmative with the disaster recovery and backup operations, it was according to the UK findings of the global survey.

    Because of that some respondents point the finger at the lack of resources and budget and this was no surprise. The United Kingdom was not the only region in which the public sector has poor disaster recovery. The Global Disaster Recovery Index 2012 was approved by DR specialist Acronis and established all over the 18 countries by independent research company the Ponemon Institute, surveyed nearly 6,000 firms with more than 1,000 seats.

    A third of public sector organizations do not consume any budget at all on disaster recovery and backup and almost 41 percent say that they6 lack skilled IT staff to handle all of their systems on a global essence. Based on the EMEA general manager for Acronis, David Blackman said that several public sector organizations could enhance their save money and disaster recovery processes, Public sector budget cuts globally are slamming every department hard, however, through embracing new technologies like cloud and virtualization and by stabilizing the number of backup product that they got.

    The analysis revealed that the public sector has been slow to affirm virtualization so far, and a third of all United Kingdom public sector organizations have not acknowledged virtualization at all. Likely, the public sector is the least probable to secure its virtual servers with 71 percent defending they either do not back up or do not recognize if they back up their virtual servers as much as their physical ones.

    In the next 12 months, almost 86 percent of United Kingdom public sector organizations presume that they will be utilizing cloud that serves a hope for the cloud computing and some say that cloud lowers operational costs which 56 percent agrees on that. But almost 36 percent have no off-site backup strategy at all, in that case they would not recover if there is an on-site calamity.