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    Several businesses are spending ten of thousands of pounds or sometimes hundreds of thousands of investments on cloud services however they either don’t need or don’t even know that they are investing in it. According to the founder and CEO of Cloudyn, Sharon Wagner who has just finalized an analysis with regards to cloud spending and usage, she noticed that firms are not utilizing the invested cloud capacity.

    Wagner as she delivered a speech at the GigaOM StructureEurope conference in Amsterdam said that the cloud is promptly not utilized very well, that means that almost 20 percent of the individual situations that are around are being used to the level that they should be, while others are completely performed less well than required. One out of five volumes linked to running virtual situations are indeed disconnected, hence 20 percent of the storage are not being used therefore they can eliminate it.

    However, this year more customers are willing to make a long term commitment and adopt to cloud and their cloud service providers of choice, Wagner said. Some firms are purchasing to services that don’t actually need and sometimes they don’t have any idea that they already purchased for it, said by the founder and CEO of Cloudability, Mat Ellis, this firm claims to manage cloud spending.

    He cited that Cloudability had two customers that were wasting over $350,000 on services that they did not need. And the first customer was utilizing an order scaling service and the order scaler was modifying instances on however dropping to turn it off, in that case they got an error message from Amazon stating that the number of instances had been outstripped.

    During last summer, the other provider was load testing a very popular product overnight but missed to account for when it completed the task at midnight and ensure to turn off, they only noticed it when they distinguished how they were utilizing the money. Purchasing is one of the big factors of waste, it was according to James Mitchell, the founder and CEO of Strategic Blue, one of the cloud dealer-broker.

    At this moment there is a different market situation where people are just settling in the given prices, as there are an oversupply of cloud in the market. He added that the way that the market is build is absolutely defective, like Strategic Blue that support an intermediation service within the infrastructure as a service cloud providers and users, the buyer’s role is to bargain harder with the providers and ask for lower costs.

    Firms can go to service providers and request for prices, taking on one provider over the other to acquire the best price for anticipated usage, to plan what they assume to utilize. This kind of approach is very much planned on at the infrastructure as a service part of the market that nowadays are already becoming highly needed.







    According to Tony Lucas, the founder of Flexiant that the hosting firms asserting to offer cloud services are providing the same services that they gave 10 years ago, however clearly marketing them as a cloud rather than in a bid to create money. He added that the hosting companies in Europe have been supplying cloud forever, if they were to anticipate the marketing promotion because they view at their product set and they are the same product sets that they were offering 10 years ago and they does not take any change. And they have done is settle the cloud on their company.

    It is a step through the right path, however it does not offer any of the function or activity that everyone will talk about, it is not just about offering a siloed set of hardware, casting a hypervisor of any feature on top of it and named it as a private cloud. He added that rather than having an evidence  to be blinkered, most of the hosting service providers who should be acquiring the lead when it comes to the cloud.

    As Lucas spoke at the GigaOM StructureEurope 2012 conferences in Amsterdam he speak to their data center staff, CEOs, CTOs and their CFOs and they all have various suggestions, however they are all preferably blinkered as to the possibility of cloud. They also tackle about the £1million agreements within three years  that they have been restored and that is their focus now.

    They would be very satisfied, if they could do £1million within three years together with the in-demand true cloud services, apart from that they are entirely missing the point. They also claimed that their customers are not asking about this stuff but that is because they are just approaching Amazon otherwise. He will also tell them that they are not being questioned about them because their customers already know that they are not providing that service.

    Most of the firms are too focused on the here and now and not on where things are heading, he said. Apart from that they are nearly just frightened of several features or ideas of cloud computing like the pay as you go and the estimated ability of customers are scale up or down and paying subsequently. Hence, the majority of the firms don’t really want a pay as you go or to pass from one provider through other however it simply need more flexibility between a monthly agreement, Lucas argued.




    Business managers should be able to depend on the software applications that support their business being cost effective, compliant, protected, scalable, and available as innovation by way of information technology is implemented. With restricted technical resources, this has not always been accessible to acquire specifically for the mid-market organizations, the same with several large organizations, they also want to be successful with such applications to guarantee their competitiveness.

    By choosing the right platform for a liable application and making sure that the choice is adaptable that requires the application to be virtualized is the key to achieve that. Providing access to more definite infrastructure, access to nearly low cost backup resources and securing scalability. But it only works for applications that can be virtualized at the topmost.

    With other older legacy applications virtualization is sometimes impossible or severe, but it does not convey that the way they are gratified cannot be enhanced to help acquire some of the goals prepared beyond. Coming from dedicated to physical servers, by in-house private clouds towards huge scale multi-tenancy public cloud platforms, the options for extending applications are immense than ever.

    A given applications may be falling down into a number of individual workloads that can each operate in various environments to meet the demands, like the flexibility is desirable, but the skill and knowledge for making the best use of it will not prevail in most of the mid-market organizations. A new kind of provider has appeared that links the role of a system integrator with the Integrator-MSP or the managed service provider.

    Some of the integrator-MSPs aim mostly on helping mid-market organizations with enhanced deployment of their applications. Integrator-MSPs focus on application delivery  and recommends the best possible way to provision new applications and re-provision the old stuff and it includes creating the best of them with the mix of the current in-house resources, those from the integrator-MSP and from the specialist-MSPs.

    The integrator-MSPs are frequently local organizations converged on their home market, like Niu Solutions, which is the previous Quocirca report Sourcing and integrating managed services that is exclusively available. It is a UK-based integrator focused on supporting UK mid-market organizations better provision the application they depend on.

    There are other UK-based organizations that connect managed service with system integration in the mid-market and it includes the Adapt Group that has just obtained its smaller competitor eLINIA and among others are Phoenix and Attenda. To guarantee that they can achieve the success is proved by reliable applications, more of the businesses now are starting to realize that they can better focus with their core value propositions if they will use third parties.






    The cloud computing is an increasingly significant segment of the Information Technology outsourcing sector, however it has a tipping point that really been reached or they are one huge data breach away from an about turn? The cloud currently represents only a fraction of the Information Technology sector and a minuscule slice of the overall business process and Information Technology services market. Base to Gartner’s latest figure for the year 2012 will be the fastest growing segment in a global market worth over $250bn.

    For $5bn the cloud computing outsourcing is relatively insignificant compared to the application outsourcing market of $40.7bn and data center outsourcing sales worth about $87bn. However, the cloud outsourcing market grew 48% compared to application outsourcing which increased 2% and data center outsourcing spending that declined 1%.

    Base to Gartner, spending on overall Information Technology outsourcing in Western Europe is expected to fall 1.9%as economic turmoil continues to blight the region. The research in the mid 2012 carried out by the Information Services Group revealed that spending was down 26% compared with last year. The amount spent on outsourcing in the UK was down 12% to €5.7bn.

    The removal of upfront capital payments in favor of subscriptions or true utility services will mean the figures will fall. According to TechMarketView, this is true the analyst firm predicts that the UK Information Technology industry will decline in real terms until at least 2016 and there is a real risk of the sector reaching a decade of downturn.

    The TMV stated that the take-up of technologies designed to reduce costs including the cloud computing as well as the continued economic slowdown are combining to reduce market growth in terms of revenue.They said that it’s not just the financial crisis which is constraining growth. It is also the inexorable march of disruptive technology trends including the consumerization of enterprise Information Technology, social media, mobile internet, big data, cloud computing and offshoring. They key characteristic that they have in common is they are all designed to reduce the cost of computing in other words they are all deflationary.

    The Director of sourcing broker Burnt-Oak Partners, Robert Morgan said that the important customer or supplier relationship is broken with the cloud. If the people are prepared to go through the pain and energy of going onto the cloud, they can  switch suppliers easily. He said that the process of moving to the cloud whether public or private will usually require support from an Information Technology service firm because the skills to do have been outsourced.

    Robert Morgan also said that the cloud computing is proving very successful in corporate Information Technology departments for things like testing and storage but believes the more commoditized service found in the public cloud are unlikely to have a major impact on the outsourcing industry.





    The local MP told Parliament that the government should audit Somerset County Council’s Southwest One outsourcing venture with the IBM to get to the bottom of dubious financial arrangements and broken promises made when the deal was signed in the year 2007. Ian Liddell-Grainger, MP for Bridgwater and West Somerset claimed in a speech in the House of Commons that the deal by which Somerset set up Southwest One had been corrupt. Using a parliamentary privilege to repeat an unsubstantiated allegation.

    For contractual compensation triggered after the council reduced its business with the outsource venture, he also revealed that the Somerset council had made an  annual contingency of £2.7m to settle a legal claim from Southwest One. They are calling on the secretary of the state to reopen those accounts for the inspection.

    Liddell-Grainger said that there is overwhelming evidence to prove that the auditors were grossly negligent Southwest One should be properly examined by the National Audit Office. The MP’s speech accused councilors and local government officers who did the £500 m deal with the IBM in 2007 of corruption. He said that it separately had a hard evidence that Somerset Council had used a financial bung to persuade an uncertain Avon and Somerset Police Authority to join the venture in the year 2007 because it would have been inviable of the other public bodies.

    David Orr a  local campaigner relying on an investigation, Liddell Grainger quoted from IBM’s original bid wherein it had told by Somerset that by the outsourcing its back office functions to IBM that it would generate local wealth of £600m every yea and create 400 new jobs. The Somerset officials had been reckless in signing the deal and its councilors had been dim. He also said that they were tired when they signed it at two o’clock in the morning under pressure from the IBM and had been fooled into thinking the deal was better than it was. The IBM was telling a huge porky, however the councilors were dim and officials reckless. The only other explanation is that the palms were being greased.

    Liddell-Grainger revealed that the Somerset would have an opportunity to cancel its failed outsource contract using a mid-term break at its five year mark. However, he said that the Southwest one which is 75% owned by the IBM would be able to claim compensation so high that it would prohibit the action. The Somerset County Council says it could not comment while it was in litigation with Southwest One.




    Crossflight, an express mail and logistics provider beholds cloud storage as positive for understandable services such as email and CRM however less so for more involve and indicated applications. The company signified the view pursuing the deal with EMC to motivate its on-going virtualization program.

    Guy Dawson, the Crossflight IT manager said that the cloud is specifically good for those services that are very much transparent, they can be purchased as a service. However, Dawson was most insulting regarding with the advantages of cloud for mote business=specific services. For the reserved applications they operate, for an instance, their operations are deeply integrated into their warehouse processing, securely integrated into their accounts.

    He persisted that there is not something available that meets their demands, be it on-premises and cloud in order to operate them. Dawson said that they write some of them and they seek to operate them in a guarantee environment, an available environment, as a matter of fact they run a private cloud, before adding the move to virtualization is also appropriate for customers, they will notice the advantages of decreased operating costs.

    Changing to a cloud infrastructure has already extremely increased SAN performances, Crossflight says. Dawson said that they have a set of reference point tests they can operate to make sure that their system is functioning well. He also added that when they upgraded their data center from the old SAN going through the new SAN they just advanced quicker by almost 20 percent. Capturing as many high profile websites in it, cloud experienced an affliction when an Amazon server dropped down.






    By the use of the old-style Microsoft Office formats, Google has stopped support for the export of documents, spreadsheets and other files. Last October 1, users of all editions of Google Apps that includes Government, Education and Business will be incapable to download presentations, spreadsheets and documents in older Microsoft Office formats with file extensions like .ppt, .xls and .doc.

    This action will affect the users that have a version older than five years of Microsoft Office on their local personal computers. The Docs users will no longer have the capability to export Google Docs format files in Office 1997-2003 format such as .xls, .ppt and .doc, the following features is determined to release to these domains on October 1, it was declared by the firm in an abrupt announcement in the update feed.

    The cloud providers can utilize over their data and its move when it is carried in the cloud, the impulsive decision may give many organizations pause for consideration. Most of the organizations said that they have severely considered Google Apps as a substitute to Microsoft Office, however it have been defer by its per-user costs and a lack of a locally installed choices.

    The action will excessively affect users that have transferred to Google Apps however who have not upgraded their versions of Microsoft Office exactly because they have moved to the web, one work around will contain downloading and operating an open source Office suite like the Libre Office or the OpenOffice that carry on support for an extensive range of old Office together with other formats in addition to the newest file XML-based file extensions like the OpenDocument Format.






    Sending away the demand for socially-connected platforms to utilize a superfast broadband network, the marketing businesses will be proceeding into an LTE world, it was according to Marc Benioff, the CEO of Salesforce. The broadband projects that are similar to those in NBN in Australia and in Kansas City in the United States were excellent as the more bandwidth the better, he said during the firm’s annual user conference which is the Dreamforce 2012.

    But the release of the long-term evolution or LTE technology or very known as the 4G will serve as the key technology to motivate the consumer of information technology in marketing, Benioff claimed. He added that they are going to be shifting into an LTE world, when a businessman has its iPad with LTE, he is more capable of managing the whole enterprise on these kind of services and it gives more excitement.

    On the other hand, the United Kingdom’s first 4G network has just launched by the EE or Everything Everywhere. The EE’s network will utilize the LTE technology that is suitable with the United States networks AT&T and Verizon. Even though it still labelled as 4G networks, the substitute HSPA+ networks that are used in the United States by T-Mobile, it is not as fast as the LTE but it is faster than the 3G networks.

    The growth in competition would be healthy, they need more competitors and not the less, Benioff added. At the same time, he took a strike at their rival Oracle, he recommends that the firm does not have any idea what its strategy will be. Benioff said that Oracle keeps on opposing shared and multi-tenancy systems, and they are kind of declining into it however they are kind of not and they have done an outrage in the industry and also with themselves.

    Where all customers are supplied from one infrastructure in a period which every component is shared, the traditional vendors such as the SAP and the Oracle have turned away from the structure of a shared schema or multi-tenancy model. The has to imitate its architecture in most instances in the Untied States and definitely in Asia, United Kingdom and in Europe in order to achieve and carry out this kind of model.







    According to the latest released report appointed by SunGard availability services, handling the availability of customer-facing online presence in businesses is turning away from information technology and approaching to marketing. Examining the challenges that encounters by the businesses as it attempts to keep customers and information connected through the delivering the availability enterprise.

    Progressively it means marketing is having control in this field, it recommends customers needs for instant availability of services through online or by means of Smartphone apps. According to Professor Nelson Phillips of Imperial College London Business School and author of the report said that typically availability has been observed as the CIO’s dispute or the information technology department issues.

    However now instantly the marketing and sales people are more concerned as time goes by, it is because they are noticing that their competitors can acquire into the situation more quickly or can have it in a nice way. And it is also begins at the high concept level and works down to the details, so the board and the CEO are getting more involved in this as it serves as a strategic issue.

    As disruption meant customers could not access their information, Professor Phillips recommends information technology is becoming a firm-wide concern and is no longer the single domain of IT departments, as earlier this year it indicates a well-publicized technical concerns for O2 and NatWest.

    He added that what they are noticing is almost split evenly by means of what different firms thought regarding with who was responsible enough, the board, the CEO or the CIO, it was almost fairly split. He thinks that it is part of a continuous run through in firms about how strategic it is and it is not just a technical issue but it has a wider strategic indications.

    The information technology is turning into more of a business tool, as Keith Tilley, the SunGard European executive vice president agreed with the report. He said that it also goes to show that firms are identifying that it is more than just an information technology issues, the information technology is certainly a tool they utilize, however availability is all over the business.








    The Fujitsu is one of the companies labeled as high-risk by government to alert all departments if a supplier has poorly performed. It has a number of contracts with the government and a public sector IT services operation that accounts for over half of its UK business. Base on a cabinet office spokesman the department cannot comment on the status of individual suppliers, however stressed that the government will not tolerate poor supplier performance. The government is improving its post-contract management capabilities and sharing information on supplier performance across government departments.

    Cabinet Office spokesman added that the government is improving its post-contract management capabilities and sharing information on supplier performance across government departments. They want to strengthen their contract management by reporting on the suppliers’ performance against criteria and sharing the information across government. This means that the information on a supplier’s performance will be available and taken into consideration at the start of and during the procurement process. The suppliers with poor performance may therefore find it more difficult to secure new work with HMG.

    In the announcement he said that the Fujitsu is now classified as high-risk is part of the strategy. The policy will include the identification of any high-risk suppliers so that the performance issues are properly taken into account before any new contracts are given. The high-risk classification is based on material performance concerns. The suppliers deemed high-risk will be subjected to particularly close scrutiny when awarding new work.

    The government says that simple good business practice with the government emulating the private sector. However, it remain to be seen how much difference will it make in a sector where so many IT services contracts are dominated by few suppliers. The blacklisting will have little effect on extensions or changes in scope if contracts are already in place.

    The fujitsu are not as down as a result of this as people would expect. The fujitsu is winning government contracts through extensions and relationships they have with other suppliers. The fujitsu is part of the Aspire contact as a subcontractor to the HMRC and the Atlas consortium of suppliers to the MoD.

    The spokesman of the Cabinet Office stated that he believed that the government is getting tougher through the Cabinet Office. It is being much more deciding factor than ever before and this is the most centralized control of suppliers and contracts that he have seen in his life.