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    It has announced the acquisition of the 100% of the AIVE Group that Capgemini was one of the foremost providers of the consulting, outsourcing services and the technology.  This is one of the leading Italian Information Technology services providers.  The emerald , Athena Private Equity and the Fidia is three primary private equity funds and AIVE’s management.  The market share in the Information Technology as well as the SaaS or the Software as a Service, this is to strengthen its application portfolio.  This is the strategic that will enable Capgemini.  By the Italian relevant anti-trust authorities, the contract was signed under the conditional approval.  Then by the Capgemini Group’s net cash, the operation will be done base on the enterprise value that will be financed by them, the value was about EURO 42.9 million.  In the The BI Group in North America and the CS Consulting in Germany, the acquisitions of the Prosodie, Artesys and the Avantias and also the transaction, it highlights the Group commitment to continue the expanding in its traditional markets.  The revenues around EUR 150 million and employs 1, 800 experts, this is according to the Capgemini Italia based on the report in 2010.  The Capgemini Italia registered a high single digit average annual growth for the recent harsh economic times for the Information Technology Italian market.  In the year 1984 the AIVE Group was founded, this is an innovative Information Technology  and this is a leading. It has generated pro-forma* revenues of EUR 56 million in the year 2010 and it has a strong history of the profitable.   The group of AIVE organize around the three business units. The AIVE BST, this is Business Solutions for medium accounts and manufacturing industry. The AIVE BST is the tailored solutions for medium accounts and manufacturing industry, the AIVE I&C, this is the Integration and Consulting for large accounts.  There were 550 professionals that was entirely dedicated to the customer satisfaction.  The core business is represented by the vertical Information Technnology solutions and related services, this is the success of the group of the AIVE that was based on the specific industry knowhow and the long-lasting trusted relationships with the clients.  The headquarter of the company was in Venice and it provides the systems integration, the products and also the Information Technology consultancy services to the several large national and multinational cliets and the mid-sized organizations.  This company is one of the leading integrators of the international ERP platforms.  Allowing the clients to benefits from the seamless  portfolio services ranging from the consulting to the systems integration, the appilcation deployment and the application management services, the AIVE Group’s products and services portfolio perfectly ties into Capgemini offering.  The clients with the tested and the reliable end-to-end solutions foe the specific market segments, this is empowered by the AIVE vertical competencies together with the Capgemini’s indutrialized approach.  Because of this combination with the AIVE vertical competencies and with the Capgemini industrialized approach will drive into success in the software as the service emerging market space.  The outsourcing is helping the economy and at the same time it also help the activities of the company and the businesses to improve there performance.





    It was recently issued the updated forecasts for the global IT spending in the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company Gartner. Base on the new estimate, “the worldwide IT spending will grow 7.1 percent this year to US$3.7 trillion, which is 1.5% higher than previously anticipated” About  the growth it was largely attributed to the cloud migration and it was increased in spending on software and IT services. There was a summarize that they were spending forecasts as to the IT segments, the ” Hardware spending is expected to grow at a rate of 11.7 percent to $419 billion (this is slower than last year’s growth rate of 12.1 percent).” , Then Gartner said ” Spending in the software and It services segments is largely driven by the growing adoption of public cloud services and software-as-a-service. On a percentage basis, spending on IT services will more than double, growing by 6.6 percent to reach $846 billion. Last year, spending on IT services totaled $793 billion, growing only by 3.1 percent. Software spending is expected to grow by 9.5 percent year-over-year to $268 billion, ” , “Spending on telecommunications will increase to $2.1 trillion, growing year-over-year by 6.9 percent.” this will be a better one. This updates will help a lot to the other outsourcing business which can help there business too. Outsourcing has a big impact to the society.





    The Greece fended off the bankruptcy that threatened to roil global financial markets. They approved the severe spending cuts and the tax that increases the Wednesday in the faces of the violent protests. It is by the Greeks who say that they have suffered enough. To the Greece from the rest of the world, the package of the austerity measures that keep bailout money flowing . IT is about $17 billion in the fresh loans that although the money was only be enough to see the nation through September. The parliament building the investigators around the world cheered the news, the protestors, fighting tear gas, the hurled whatever they could find at the riot police and they tried to the blockade.   The insurer Dimistris Kostopoulos, it is said that it is a bad that the country will be sold for a piece of bread. There were many of the other more appropriate alternatives on it. The parliament has once again betrayed on it.  The pensions and the public sector have been cut. The unemployment was about 16 percent. By the comparison it is about the nine percent in the United States. In spending cuts and the parliament was approved the $40 billion, the public services to raise $71 billion more. Some of the markets experts had predicted that the Greek has default that could have trigged another world financial meltdown.  In this case it is like what happened after the Lehman Borthers investment that the house where collapsed in the year 2008 in the United States.  Both in the Europe and the United States that the risk is that the banks would have had to chalk up the billions of the dollars in the loses this is because of the Greek loans that bad. The European finance minister will be meet in the Brussels to the work on the second bailout for the Greece. It is expected to be the similar in the size. As the French banks have indicated that they may do, it is many economists that is still won’t be enough, it is the banks that were expected to share some of the burden.  The others was loosing there privileges, they must avoid the country’s collapse with the very effort  this is base in the Prime Minister George Papandreou . In the outside that people protesting, it is truly suffering, the others was losing their privileges. NO one else must never be suffer in the sequences of the collapse. The protest that could undermine the government’s ability to the implementation of the harsh austerity measures. This is which the tax even the lowest paid in the Greeks and the raise prices during the recession. Carl Campus is the analyst at the BMO Capital Markets according to him that they were not out of the water just yet. The outsourcing is helping the things fater and easy to do. The information Technology is being more strong and better. The company that use the outsourcing is that they can use the technique and also the strategy of it. ]











    In the Eastern Europe, the 2011 Global Services 100 list and categories, the Global Services published.  The Global Services 100 providers and the recognized in the category Emerging Leaders, the IBA Group was listed.  Using the matured models of the service delivery, the list was representing companies that demonstrate the excellence in delivering the ITO and the BPO globally.  Through the online survey, the companies was opted to participated in the survey were asked to the share exhaustive information.  It was deriving using the scientific research methodology, in the top 100 list and the names in the categories based on over 200 data points and the several qualitative parameters.  Based on the four primary pillars, the GS100 model for the analysis, the management excellence that including the paying customer, the verticals represented, the new customers, geographies represented, the sectoral diversity, customer case studies, the contract sizes, the complexity of the projects, marquee clients and the important wins.  In the Global Delivery Maturity, it includes the type of work done, the global delivery footprint, the expansions, headcount and the growth in headcount.  It also includes the breadth of the services portfolio9 that includes here the breadth of the capabilities and service offerings across the ITO and BPO, the engagement models, domain expertise across verticals, vendor management practices, the category leadership, the new capabilities and services launched and the ability to serve niche markets.  The globals services is one of the biggest issue, that includes that the Information Technology is increasing.  Most of the people is using the outsourcing technique and strategy.  To outsource in the other country and other company you should know first the things that will help you and you should plan first.  This is very helpful in a way that the economy, people, business and the company is having a benefits when it comes in outsourcing.








    Across the heel of the United Kingdom the summer lightning, thunder and drenching rain have remove. At the Lords and the Oval and tennis at Wimbledon, the cricket deluge. On a half-hour delayed start ,women’s quarter-finalists Marion Bartoli and wildcard Sabine Lisicki played on. The clip of the ball on their rackets has drowned. The hundreds of Environment Agency and other emergency staff was on standby, this is because of the flashing-flooding from the downpour. In the other place the whole of Kent and most of the London have been affected by a course of the storms.  Norman Baker the railways minister, asked Network Rail ” explain why passengers were stranded on Monday in “very uncomfortable conditions” after overhead power lines on trains between East Anglia and London overheated during repairs.” Norman baker said “We need the railway to be resilient, especially with the possibility of climate change causing more extremes of temperature in the future. I am asking Network Rail to explain to me what happened yesterday and what steps they are taking to try to prevent a recurrence.” Then the spokesman for Network Rail said “There has been an assumption that everything that has gone wrong was due to the heat, but we had other problems. It isn’t right to say that the infrastructure can’t cope with the heat.” . Then the general secretary of t5he RMT transport union, Bob Crow stated “Once again this issue of investment in the failing infrastructure of the UK transport system is thrown into the spotlight. If the money ripped off by the train operators had been invested where it matters we wouldn’t be reduced to this sort of chaos as soon as the weather warms up.”. It was expected by the rest of the country to have a quieter but fresher end to the balmy three days brought by the Spanish plum effect of warm air funneling from the Sahara. Every country need to have an alert every time especially when there is an upcoming disaster. So that people should be prepare for it.


    The firms misuse complex U.S. immigration laws to get their Indian employees to work in the United States.  The allegations of visa fraud have been a constant complaint by critics of the outsourcing industry. That’s the subject of the investigation underway now against  the Infosys.  In February by an Infosys project manager, Jack Palmer, who is still employed by the company, it started with an Alabama lawsuit filedInfosys  has denied the charges and says “it is reviewing its policies internally.”  By a grand jury in Texas for information about its use of business visas, but did not reveal details in May, the company disclosed that it has been subpoenaed.  The increased scrutiny of the industry, is hurting every major Indian IT company. and the Alabama case, and  India’s largest outsourcing firm  TCS, it is came out publicly on the issue this week, it is speaking to the one of India’s business news channels to say “the whole issue that was overblown, and that the firm would do well this year despite challenges. TCS CEO N.”   From the brokerage firm CLSA Asia Pacific, Chandrasekaran also rejected the findings of a report  this is which argued that the combination of tightened visa norms and dampened demand from the U.S., it would hurt its results this year, and that of other companies: the report said “We see the visa issue fundamentally altering the business model for Indian techs,” . As an answer to their critics Firms like TCS have been touting their robust hiring within the U.S. , but they can’t do that on a large scale without hurting its profitability.  Despite their efforts to move into higher-skill, higher-margin businesses and to look for the growth outside of the U.S and the Europe, the wage arbitrage is still a driver of profitability for these firms, In the India Real Time blog Amol Sharma note  the “growing frustration” of the Indian workers who ultimately bear the personal costs of the soaring rates of rejected visas: “Many are complaining that long delays and unfair rejections are becoming common, regardless of how scrupulously they observe laws and requirements. North Carolina immigration lawyer Murali Bashyam recounts an episode in which a U.S. employee for an Indian I.T. firm he represents traveled to India to get married and applied for a new H-1B visa while he was there. After two months of delays and harassment by immigration officials, Mr. Bashyam says, the worker was ultimately denied the visa.  “This employee has never violated his H-1B immigration status, and his employer carefully followed all relevant laws, but the employee is now stuck in India,” Mr. Bashyam writes. “This type of ‘gotcha’ immigration policy should never exist in this country.”  In this case by an employee who says he followed all the rules, the frustration  might be the thing that forces IT companies to stop pushing the boundaries of acceptable visa practice, and forces the U.S. to come up with work visa rules that are simpler and less prone to abuse. Here’s a sign that’s already happening: “In this morning’s Mint, an Indian business daily, reporters Malia Politzer and Surabhi Agarwal recounts the story of the “X” ‘  a Wipro employee who says he went along with the company’s allegedly questionable visa policies until they landed him in immigration custody and have made it difficult for him to travel to the U.S. even as a tourist. It concludes “They (recruiting companies) don’t tell you how it could affect you in the future,” said X. “Unless this happens to you personally or a friend or someone you know, I don’t think anyone is fully aware of the repercussions.”  This is the way of outsourcing in the industry which helps the company to be more active.


    In 2011, the part of Asesoft TeamNet is aiming for a turnover of EUR 32 million. The General Manager of TeamNet, Bogdan Padiu told the Business Review  last year about the goal of the TeamNet.  In its future strategy, the firm has three major components, the first was they wish to grow our footprint on the international market. They want to replicate the experience that they gained in Romania on neighboring markets.  These are the markets that also want to join the EU, they will have a similar evolution to Romania.  Then the second direction is to target SMEs with the more platform, which is very important. Lastly, they will continue to develop in the corporate area, targeting large organization with private capital with our solutions.

    The TeamNet has offices in the Republic of Moldova and Brussels, Belgium.  In Turkey and Serbia, the plans are to open.  When they start the business  in a new country. They open an office with a team of four-five to establish a presence on the local market and start to learn about the local business climate. Based on the opportunities they identify the respective market, they start to exp;and the office.

    The team in Romania with the help of the local unit done the things that is related to the product range and preparing for future opportunities. The company will starts hiring people from the local market to grow and become fully autonomous where there are already contracts in full swing.

    In the Republic of Moldova, the TeamNet has deployed 12 people to offices and in Brussels there were 3 people. They do sales and pre-sales in the first stage first stage under the coordination of a branch manager. The moment they start having the projects, they hire engineers, analyst and project managers to deliver on the respective market.

    The cash flow bottlenecks from the republic sector have had a negative impact on the company based from Padiu. They also have learned how to work with the state and tailor, their expectations accordingly regarding the ability to pay. They also learned to look at releases from the Ministry of Public Finances and see what is happening with the European funds and understand their internal processes in order to be able to anticipate.

    The company rule is that, they does not have bills that are more than 60 days late. They try to synchronize pretty well and anticipate in the case of projects with European funds where procedures was really rigorous.

    The TeamNet during the pre-launch stage had real clients using the platform and allowed some time to pass to get some feedback from them on improvements that needed to be made. They now think they they are ready to launch it and attract a higher number of the users.

    The outsourcing has a big impact to the society it is the best technique nowadays. This is the best solution in all the problems that the company faces. Our company providing the best research and performance because of outsourcing, because this is the very fast growing industries in the world.



    The most successful in the number of the realized DCIx Warehouse Management System projects for the Aimtec’s logistical DCI division was represented in the past year 2010.  Over the one million CZK Aimtec, the twelve new projects valued.  They confirmeed that it is stable position of the leader on the systems in the Czech Republic.  There were different segments that the DCIx reaches, the projects from the different sectors in the year 2010 was realized.  In the wholesale and the distribution companies, here the best example here is that the deployment of the DCIX WMS in the central warehouse of the SPORTISIMO.  The logistic provider Ewals Cargo Care, the DCI team turned customers services more effective.  The automotive supplier segment, the Aimtec did not omit.  This is already the respected expert.  In the sizable projects for the companies the Aimtec’s know-how to apply.  The first Great Britain project was commenced in the year 2010 was also an important milestone.  The new functionalities the DCIx brings a range, on the logistical process with the knowledge crossover the above mentioned projects that show tight specialization from the production area.  This which it is still maintains the important position with the total share of the customer projects.  It is expanding from the original warehouse management is the actual DCI logistical division that also lean the production management and the planning and the collection of the production data.  The increasing number of the project was also the number of the employees in the DCI division grew in 2010, with the increasing number of the projects in the both consultants and the programmers.  With the new functionalities the new projects was also associated.  The EDI division was also a significant increase of the annual turnover in the moderate growth, in the Czech Republic and in the Slovakia.  This is for the tradesync integration manager.  THe division expanded its cooperation with the Axway and started to participate in the support of the other European customers.  With the German company the strategic partnership was further aided the order growth. The great opportunity is the outsourcing wherein the individuals will be lucky to have the job and this is more advantageous for the company.  Most of the company now is doing this kind of strategy.  The outsourcing is getting a human resources outside the company or outside the country, wherein the company based on. The companies use this strategy because the Internet marketing companies and the manufacturing companies is working on this kind of tactic, this is because it is cheap.  In outsourcing it has a benefits,  the best impact of this business strategy is to give more job opportunities to the countries who had a low employment rate.





    “it will “co-operate fully” with a probe by US authorities into allegations it violated visa laws.” Indian software giant Infosys Technologies on Wednesday said.  The one of the leaders of India’s flagship outsourcing sector this is the Infosys,   said it received a notice late Tuesday from a Texas court requesting documents used to obtain visas for staff attending meetings and conferences in the United States.  The Infosys co-chairman S.Gopalakrishnan told AFP in the southern city of Bangalore.  “We have received the subpoena and are currently internally reviewing details relating to the matter,”  Gopalakrishnan said the company will co-operate fully.  To embroil India’s high-tech industry in the United States where anti-outsourcing anger has been stoked by high unemployment, the subpoena is the latest controversy.  Instead of the correct — and more expensive — “H-1B” work permits, the investigation is to determine whether Infosys used cheaper and easier-to-obtain B-1 visas for business visits,  The US State Department says “visitors require a B-1 visa if they are traveling for a “scientific, education, professional or business convention, or conference… to settle an estate, or negotiate a contract”.”   An H-1B visa allows US-based firms to temporarily employ foreign workers in certain specified occupations, in the contrast,  “The United States issues 65,000 H-1B visas a year, the department”  said on its website.  It issued after an employee filed a lawsuit in the United States alleging that the Nasdaq-listed Infosys was “improperly” using B1 visas, the subpoena. Including Infosys Technologies, at the Bombay Stock Exchange in Wednesday trade, the investors sold software shares, after news of the court notice.  The Infosys was down nearly two percent at 2,796 rupees $61.60.  It has become the world’s back office where Western firms set up call centres, number-crunching and software development outlets to cut costs.  The India, which last year held at least 50 percent of the global outsourcing market. to the United States to work at their clients’ locations as on-site technicians and engineers in what critics charge is a violation of the “spirit” of US immigration law the Indian IT firms also fly thousands of employees each year.  The sector has created thousands of jobs in the United States and is not taking them away,  India’s outsourcing industry has insisted that. Ohio state banned outsourcing of government information technology and back-office projects to locations such as India to combat unemployment, but it is last year, the United States employed by firms whose workforces are largely foreign, the US government also sharply hiked fees for non-immigrant “H-1B” work permits, in the a move hitting Indian information technology workers entering.  It said that while the Infosys may be the one of the largest visa abuser, they can hardly the only one company that misusing the visas.  Through the elaborate of the schemes. The VIsa Fraud including the misrepresentation of the reasons for the travelling was the federal felony with the ten years in the prison of the first offense.. This outsourcing helps the company to ensure that it will be strong  and success in the name of the business.








    Tony Henderson said The CIOs should be buckle up and also braces for the future of the flexible Information Technology as the employees that will be the routinely that bringing in their own machines that was expecting to the business to support them. Tony Henderson is the head of the communications at the United Kingdom to the etch sector trade at the body intellect.  He was speaking that the round table discussion was organized by the United Kingdom recruiter named Adecco on the future of the technology skills in the United Kingdom. In the predict the shape of of the Information Technology business landscape. Henderson says that the big businesses was going in having to become more flexible. It was about the Information Technology provisioned and managed the enable the new generation of the workers that uses the consumer technologies to communicate and to be productive. There was also a big challenges according to Henderson wherein the enterprise space was the people that will expecting to bring on their own devices and to connect in the offices networks and also systems.   It was also changing that is probably coming in the lot quicker than just five years time. HE think that it will be the lot sooner of that.  Juatin Parks,m the head of the workplace online at the IT services company Getronics, he was speaking in the event wherein the consumerisation was driving on how the businesses was looking on the technology that they providing to the users. He also said that they’ve got a lot of the discussion on the going. It is about on bringing your own computer, it is how the organization that can be adopt on how the user wants to work into the organization that was opposed to the prescribing the device . The organization nowadays was that more of the job by trying to make the organization to look appealing and the exciting in the terms of the technology of the guys that were coming very comfortable with the tech.  The skills of the employers  was looking for the universities and businesses that was needing to work together in producing the employable graduates, this was the wide ranging discussion that the touched on the topics. It was establish that the ways of doing in the business and the new, youth driven ways of the working was a recurring the theme  this was the culture of the clash between the old.  The director of the marketing and the communications at the Information Technology skills body e-skilld in the United Kingdom Collette, Collete said that there was a big issue wherein among the employers is employability. Collete finds that the incredible that having the graduates that can not find the work it will talk to the graduate of the recruiters and Collete  said that they had the thousands of the applications but the intellectual of the skills and also the technology was knowledge. It was seem that the leasing team or the working collaboratively with the people was really on the rounded skills that seem to be missing.






