In the city of the Noida near the Delhu,the HCL’s campus was there, however there was more than 70,000 staff that was across the 29 countries. In 1976 the HCL started there life as the Hindustan Computers Limited, it was dedicated to the building an Indian Microcomputer. The hardware heritage was reamin the part of the $5.9 billion company that was over 35 years. It was still sells the PCs, servers, the other hardware to the Indian market and also the monitor in the HCL Infosystema arm.
The company this days was better known its HCL Technologies wing, the outsourcing side of the business it was globally. They provides the services like the BPO or the Business Processing Outsourcing, the Software development consulting and also the Information Technology Infrastructure management services to the enterprises. It is generated in $2.7 billion in the revenues in the last fiscal year.
In the 1991the HCL Technologies was set up. Under the name of the HCL Overseas. It has more than 70,000 in the organization. The employees was across the 29 countries and it is the fourth-largest Indian in the outsourcer behind the Satyam, TCS and the Wipro. Its activity in the company was into the six lines of the business, it includes the largest custom applications which was includes also the application of the development, the management, the re-engineering, the migration and the last is the application. Its workers that about 4500 that was based in the Europe.
Around the quarter of the company revenues, the continent contibutes around and also the customers was included the Skandia and the DSGI, the contract last year was renewed with the HCL until 2013. In the activities the enterprise applications services like the rolling out and also the supporting application from the partners such as the SAP0 and the Oracle. In the infrastructure services was including the mainframe, the network services and the data center.
In the company’s line-up the traditional BPO also present this. The Engineering and the R&D that covers the hardware the Engineering and the design of the services in the areas was including the work on the system-on-a-chip in the field of the programmable gate rays. It’s line of the business was transform services. It is which it covers the middle ware and the SOA, the data warehousing, the business intelligence, the government and the services that aimed the business goals to their Information Technology estates. This tell the people that the outsourcing is has a very impact in the industry. Some of the company use the outsourcing to improve there performance.
The people should know that the outsourcing helps the company to find solution to the business problems. The outsourcing helps to improve the things that needs some improvement. We people know that when it is all about “business” there is a big and small problems that the company and the people faces. So that people find some good and best solution for it. In outsourcing you can help the company inside and also outside. Outsourcing now is very strong and it is the best in the most of the people who has a business.
The recent research shows that they may get more out of their IT services deals, While the midsize companies came later to the IT outsourcing party than their big company counterparts. The 63 percent of the mid-market buyers said that their outsourcing initiatives had been very successful at the reducing costs compared to the 44 percent of the large companies. It is considered that these other stats, this is according to a survey of 277 the outsourcing buyers conducted by the outsourcing analyst firm HfS Research and the London School of Economics,
” The 42 percent of mid-market buyers said their deals were very effective in meeting compliance and regulatory requirements, compared to 30 percent of large companies. ” then ” 33 percent of mid-market buyers said outsourcing had given them more effective global operations, compared to 18 percent of large companies. ” and “30 percent of mid-market buyers said their deals were very effective in providing access to new business process acumen compared to 17 percent of large companies. ”
The smaller companies is seeing more of the gains from the outsourcing but why? You know that “They take what HfS Research founder Phil Fersht describes as a “ripping off the band-aid” approach to outsourcing.” Fersht says. “Quite simply, mid-market organizations have to bundle more processes together into one broader deal to make it large enough to warrant the attention of the leading services vendors,” and “They rarely will have the luxury of outsourcing step-by-step.” Followed by application testing, application development, and finally infrastructure, the larger enterprises, with $3 billion or more in annual revenue, tend to outsource in increments over a period of years perhaps help desk support first.
Fersht says “Large firms have rarely gone for a ‘big bang’ approach to outsourcing,” and “They are large enough to be able to dictate to vendors their preferred pace of outsourcing.” Fersht added that “But large companies’ slow and steady approach is not winning the race,” says Fersht. Such measured outsourcing can discourage necessary transformation. “By and large, organizations outsource processes that probably aren’t very well run in the first place,” Fersht says. “Their ‘softly, softly’ approach to outsourcing is prolonging the disruptive change a buyer needs to go through to reach its desired global operations end-state.”
The ancient legacy systems and lack of IT talent. But by outsourcing a broader set of IT processes and people from the start, in the mid-market outsourcing customers have their own set of problems chief among them. They have a better chance of remedying both. Fersht says that “Having skilled service vendors take on their operations has been by and large a positive experience for them,” and “While a mid-market organization may not the same level of aggressive cost reduction through large-scale labor arbitrage as larger enterprises, they clearly enjoy the benefits of accessing improved technology and process expertise.” Fersht said that ” Outsourcing providers, who have traditionally focused on their big bread-and-butter clients, ought to take note” For creating quickly deployable, standardized outsourcing models., the mid-market is a potential testing ground. Then “Vendors need to attack the middle market, in addition to the easy dollars at the enterprise level, in order to develop a balanced portfolio of clients,” Fersht says. “Enterprise engagements will serve up profit and deliver scale that can be invested in middle-market clients, which are road-testing these industrialized solutions of the future.” This is shown that the information technology is helpful in the companies who have big problems. The outsourcing is still finding a good solution for the problems of the company.
In Warsaw, Centralny Basen Artystyczny, the ericpol was the gold sponsor of the INternational conference Agile By example 2011. It held on the 15th and 16 of September 20011. The building of the CBA, the Centralny Basen Artystyczny in the Warsaw, the conference gathers the projects managers, the developers and the programmers. Wherein they apply the Agile and the Lean practices in their everyday work. The conference in the first day Piotr, Jozwiak, the Systems Architect in Ericpol was delivering the lecture covering. The example of the Kanban methodology usage was in the support and maintenance teams.
The solution to all the problems, there was no practice that could be in the universal. Piotr Jozwiak, emphasize that the iterations decomposition and the tasks estimation won’t let the engineers to achieve their fully efficiency. There were 18 lectures on the following six thematic blocks. The Distributed Agile, the Product Owners, Kanban and Scrum, Experience Reports, Estimation and Planning and the Agile Development and Testing. In the practical problems, the speaker will present the technical aspects, team management customer relationship and many more.
In accordance with the agile methodology, for the several years Ericpol’s engineers have been the leading to the some parts of their projects. The ability to apply the agile in the large design teams up to 300 people, this is the main difference between them and in to the competition. They were the pioneers in the Agile area and they were very successful in the sense. In 2007, the first ercpol’s scrum teams working in the international environment was created. The working methods have been adjusted to the conditions and have been optimized. The entire company was using the Lean practices, this is due to the market expectations Ericpol was established the agile value added services development unit. This is which it operates fully accordance with the Agile methodolog.
To carry out the special training courses, the company makes the use of the large experience. The engineering company that has been operating in the international ICT market since 1991 this is ericpol Telecom. In the telecommunication communication, UX or the User Experince, the healthcare and the business solution area, the Belarus and the sweden, the company provides the outsourcing and the consulting services and at the same time, the dedicated solutions. They also employing 1000 highly qualified engineers. This is to show that the outsourcing helps to improve things that need an improvement, this is something that is really helpful when it comes to the case that the company need some help for there problems. Outsourcing is the best way to enhance every situation in all of the things that involve.
The data quality was coming into the focus more and more, this is because of the increasing automation of the processing and integration of the computing systems. Wherein it has been able to catch the false data and the remedy, to stop also their spreading in the relatively small in the isolated systems that was no more possible in the larger systems. For the data quality management, Master Data Management and the data integration, the dataflux was a company offering the portfolio of the tools. With the other cooperating SAS’s products, they established that on the market for the long term. They rank periodically first the places in the Gartner chart. This is the interesting for the market, that was especially in the support of the Slovak and Czech environment that was crucial for the data quality solutions.
In the area of of the work with data, the Softec has become the partner of the American company DataFlux, then it offers the clients to the top solutions meeting on their requirements. In the area of the data quality, the cooperation with the DataFlux and the status of the partner gave them the opportunity to solve the comprehensively requiremnts of the clients. It also offer them the complex tools and the professional services.
To the worldwide support and the invests in the trainings and the knowledge of the specialist , the softec as the partner of the DataFlux has access. There was a following product groups that the sofetc will support and use the solutions tools that comprehend, in the data management studio it includes the enterprise data management server, the DataFlux report studio, DataFlux report server and the dataflux qMDM.
The most valuable company assets was the data. It will fully under the control with the softec’s services and the dataflux’s and the SAS’s tools. The quality solution is one of the things that people should know because of the things that are in the said company. The outsourcing helps the company to have its own solution. The company know that the outsourcing is one of the best solution because it always provide solutions in the problems of the company. The outsourcing not only helps the company but it also helps the people in a way that the people outsource inside and at the same time outside the company and also the country.
For the Estonian National Defense League, the Estonian leading company Net Group was providing the comprehensive Information Technology solutions that supplied the new secure Information Technology infrastructure. In the Defense League, the technical solution was introduced. It was innovative and new in the Estonia. This was a virtual infrastructure that enabling the centrally administer computer jobs that was located in all subunits of the Defense League and they want to update them. There was an objective of the project that was consolidating the Information Technology services of the units. It takes it to the uniform standardized operation platform and to the common high level as the regards of the technical capacity and the security.
The chairman of the Board of the Net Group saying that the conclusion was completely new and the innovative world-class technical solution, the seven months of the very intense work, the consultation and the training of many of the users and the few poods of the slat was eaten together.l He added also that the 10 employees of the Net Group was involved in the project. In saving the resources of the defense League, the another significant factor beside the security and the central administration was saving.
The head of the communication and the information technology department of the defense league named Vahur Parve said that the most unforgettable victory for the defense league was the administration costs that would considerably decrease after the implementation of the new solution. In the other side, it is possible to make everyday and at the same time the extraordinary Information maintenance. Like the software update, for a few days, instead of the prior for several months. This is according to Vahur Parve, the head of the communication and the information technology department of the defense league.
The defense league’s of the Information Technology project was the most important objectives, they were ensuring that the up most security and the operating safety are the, thank to the new solution , the systems of all the units was centrally administered and monitored in ensuring the required high level of the security. They thank the software platform and to the implementation of the standardize hard.
The Information Technology support would improved at the Defense League in the addition to the administration. Based on the Estonian private capital, the Net Group was the new generation information technology company, it provides the innovative and the sustainable, the economically effective Information Technology solution in the Estonian and the Baltic Sea Region. Through the string ethics, the Net Group’s goals was achieved and also the professional management and the cooperation between the partners. The outsourcing is a big help to the people, business and also in the company who needs an improvement to there work.
After the sharp decline in the observation in 2009 the Russian IT market was experiencing a strong bounce back. The market will be jump by the another 20% year on year in the forecast that the whole 2011 was optimistic and assuming for it. ” The Information Technology in 2010, in the Russia the growth was recovered” this is according to the latest report in the Information Technology in the Russia 2011, ” The development forecast for the 2011 to 2016 that was published in the the PMR, ” a market research company, in 2010 the total net value of IT products and services sold in the country increased by 23.4% year on year to RUB 516bn €12.8bn. However if measured in euro, the market value still remains €1.1bn smaller in comparison to almost €14bn reached in 2008. ” In 2010, the increase of the sales was registering in the segment of the Russian in the Information Technology market.
According to the comments of Pawel Olszynka, a PMR analyst and one of the report authors. “The main reason for the market recovery in 2010 was overall improvement in Russian economy and growing confidence of the consumers in their future incomes. As a result the retail sales of personal computers, in particular of the notebooks, were quickly growing pulling the entire market up”
Last year the public Information Technology investments and the related initiatives of the government, including also the implementation of the ECM systems in Russian public institutions and the law on personal data also played a role in strengthening the demand for IT services and products. The Information Technology market in the Russia was remain corporate oriented. For the 50% of the total corporate sector accounted in the Information Technology that was spending in the country in the 2010. The last year sales was increasing g in the corporate segment that did not exceeded by the 10% year on year. It was explained by the sharp budget cut in the period of the economic crisis that the market share of corporate customers declined. From small and medium enterprises the crisis also meant a sharp reduction in the investments. The investment that spending only in the H2 2010, the Russian managers reviewed and increased.
In the the business segment will impact IT market in 2011, it was called a postponed demand. In the Russia, in the retail sales the fast growth of the personal computers in the 2010 was led to an increasing in the share of the hardware in the total value of the Information Technology market. To be a result of the development of private consumption in the country rather than a short term consequence of the economic crisis, they consider that the strengthening of the hardware segment.
According to the Macro economic results, ” From 2001 until 2008, Russia experienced fast economic growth. The annual GDP in the country expanded at the rate higher than 5% year on year. In 2009, Russian GDP declined by 7.8% year on year because of the world economic crisis and decline in the prices of natural resources, the main export commodity in Russia. However, the recovery of the economic growth was registered already in 2010, when Russian GDP grew by 4% year on year. As a result, the unemployment rate last year declined to 7.5% from 8.4% as at the end of 2009. Russia also managed to maintain inflation at the level of 2009. ”
The economic growth in Russia in 2010 the key which impacted was the growth of the oil prices. In 2010 to the $78.2 per barrel, the everage annual price of the Ural Brand increased. The economic development of the Russia last year was positive and it became the good background for the business development and the investment of the Information Technology. It shows that the information Technology is growing. It also stand strong until now, it is because of the people who want this strategy.
With Reksoft celebrates its 20th anniversary, the year that Russian IT industry along side . They passed the long way from the ruins of the USSR scientific institutes to $16-billions IT market growing each year. It has been the main Information Technology market driver and inspirer for all those years, And the software development outsourcing. The scientists working in the institutes on the national defence and space exploration projects were left out of work. A pool of highly-skilled technical personnel — engineers, software developers, system architects available for a very low price, sometimes for ten times less than the corresponding labour force in the West. It was the ideal moment to launch an outsourced software development center the clients in the US and Europe. Many of the outsourcing companies establish to meet the demand.
In the sea of the turbulent domestic economy they were high-tech islands. The outsourcing companies worked for foreign customers, mostly from Western Europe and USA. This is because of the oftware industry in Russia had been undergoing a great depression, and domestic demand for IT services was nearly non-existent. The states rose and the fell was capital, it was accumulated, the public assets were plundered, crime and the corruption flourished. This was the surreal atmosphere in the Russia in the 90’s.
The middle of the havoc, the men and the women with the MScs and the PhDs was solving the most complex software of the development tasks for the international clients. The communities has become the cornerstone of the Russian IT ecosystem. The Russian IT talent reservoir that gradually accumulated. From local universities and best practices learned through work and cooperation with world market leaders. the deepest knowledge of programming technologies. It was transferred to the local market. In a few years, many of them looked like private business incubators, giving birth to new IT projects and products, this accumulated the business knowledge. Many of them looked like themooked like private business incubators, giving birth to new IT projects and products. It was a two-pronged process: ” both the management of the development centres, interested in good investments, nurtured the new projects, while their employees, looking for an entrepreneurship opportunity, created their own start-ups. Business knowledge accumulated in international projects combined with the Russian engineers’ excellent IT skills and brought forth a tremendous harvest of local product IT companies. ”
As a basis for the product sector development, the outsourcing companies has served. From the crises and the eviving domestic industry started to provide a stable local demand for IT services the Russian economy recovered. The software development companies has turned to the Russian clients. The merged into the partnership with the system integrators. To established their own departments of SI or IT consulting pursuing the goal of creating a one-stop-shopping point for the customer. The global best practices to the local market and the process of shifting the international experience. The local clients has generated about the third Russian IT outsourcing companies revenue withe the rest coming from the overseas clients., The outsourcing here is still developing.l The outsourcing companies will be also demand at home.
The Tieto is the leading Information Technology service company in the Northern Europe, it is also providing Information Technology and the product Engineering services. For their local and the global customers, their highly specialized Information Technology and th product engineering services. The Tieto was close to their customers and they understand their unique needs as the trusted transformation partner.
In the taking of the SAP and the database platforms to the cloud, the Tieto introduces the two new PaaS or the Platform as a Service offerings. The companies was allowed by the Dynamic SAP Landscape to run the application without having to invest in the hardware or in the technical expertise. The Database platform delivered was service optimizes the hardware resources and enables to significant savings on the software licenses. In all areas of the Information Technology, the cloud service model was bringing the new level of the efficiency and the flexibility .
To catch the attention of the customers executives for the ability to accelerate , they see that the PaaS has already started. the time-to-market and the advantages of the cost reduction. The new cloud platform services was there answers to the needs, this is base to the Director Mika Tuohimetsa at the Tieto’s Managed Services and Transformation. The service was available in 24 hours and the customers cost structure will get a lighter compared to the traditional service model .
The dynamic SAP Landscape was tested that the environment was ready to the models for the implementation and the operations and also the operational processes. The database platform as the srvice offers of the high availability for all of the database on the hardware and the application level and at the same time the horizontal and the vertical scaling. This is also includes the robust backup management that combined the backup cost reduction and the possibility to choose in between the various levels of the disaster recovery. In the Finland ans Sweden, the Tieto’s PaaS services was utilize the energy efficient and the high secured data center facilities. The advanced clouds service capabilities is with them.
The data center in the Espo won the international renowned of the Green Enterprise Information Technology or the GEIT Award. The information technology becomes the highest and the most interesting part nowadays. There so many new things now that the information technology is involve. However the outsourcing is also involve, wherein the outsourcing helps the people to make new life and also new things. Others do not want to outsource to be their solution in their problems about the company. But the outsourcing is the best solution among all the problems in the company
In Russia, the IT specialist profession may soon be put on the red list. The recent survey shows, adding that by the year 2015 the number of IT vacancies will shrink by a third. There were several reason for the author that survey to offer several reasons. The global trend switched the outsourcing. Experts say “by the end of 2015 the number of regularly employed IT specialists in major companies will be twice as less than today.” Ilya Sachkov of the Group-IB shared his thoughts with the VoR: “Focusing more on outsourcing is going naturally in Russia. We are following the way already passed by many Western and Asian companies. I`ve come across several Japanese companies, which in Russia have only 2-3 representatives, while all the rest work distantly. When IT experts work this way, as well as accountants do, this help save quite a lot of money and focus more on the company`s strategy”.
Vladimir Korovin of the Advanced Technology Agency said that “The profession of an IT specialist as we know it now will be no longer in demand thanks to cloud computing, a new generation technology which is about delivering of computing as a service rather than a product, when shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility via the Internet. then Vladimor Korovin added that the “Imagine a user who has loads of files, including documents, pictures and video being stored on his PC. In a similar way, any organization also has lots of things to keep on its servers, their memory to small to endure this.”
“Cloud computing helps us keep our files on separate servers. Here we should also mention the use of robots.Thus, Taiwan`s Foxconn already has robots working on some of its plants. Meanwhile, their functions are very simple but this is only the beginning, with robots quite soon be able to perform intellectual tasks.” Ilya Sachkov argues: “IT specialists will never go extinct. Such people will always be in demand, most of them simply focusing on cloud computing or outsourcing”. By 2015 the cloud computing market will soar by three times to earn $73 billion, The international IDS research company predicts. With the leading companies to be located in the US, Asia and India, continents already giving home to 20% of the world`s top IT corporations offering cloud computing services. By that time, Russia is supposed to earn 3-5% of entire profit obtained from cloud computing.
All IT experts who think of quitting their jobs, should better focus on upgrading their skills and joining the team of cloud computing specialists. This is to show that the Information Technology going strong. This is to improve also the economy. The Industry shown the outsourcing for the people who need help of outsourcing way. This is the way of other company to ensure that there company will stand strong, The Information Technology, helps the world to have the best thing that can ever seen before. Other company want tis strategy or technique for them to have a strong business.
The TPI said that the “Outsourcing declined worldwide by 18 percent to US$16.4 billion in the second quarter because of weak demand in the Americas and an overall drop in the number of large contracts awarded, sourcing data and advisory firm” The President for information services and the chief of the marketing officer at TPI John Keppel said that the Total contract value (TCV) in the Americas was down 51 percent in comparison to the same quarter last year. According to the conference call, “The decline of large contracts with a TCV of about $500 million had its biggest impact on the Americas, Keppel” , then the TPI said that “Even as there was a big drop in the number of large contracts awarded, the total number of contracts awarded fell just 1 percent,”
According to the Global TPI Index which measures commercial outsourcing contracts with a minimum value. “the Asia-Pacific market saw TCV grow by 55 percent over the same quarter last year,” The global decline in outsourcing, Indian service providers like Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Infosys have reported strong revenue and profit growth for the second quarter, as they are seeing a surge in demand for their services. According to international reporting standard, TCS, India’s largest outsourcer, said last week that its revenue for the quarter was $2.4 billion, up by 34.4 percent from the same quarter last year.
Siddharth Pai, partner and managing director of TPI India, in a phone interview said that “Even as the overall market shrank in the second quarter, Indian service providers have been increasing their share of the market,” A large number of the contracts that go to Indian providers are of a value lower than $25 million, which is a market that TPI does not cover, he added. Keppel said, A stepping up of global outsourcing business is expected in the second half of the year, as current contract pipelines suggest an improvement in global TCV for the remainder of the year.
The TPI said there is no indication that the Americas will return to the “glory days” of outsourcing. In contrast, growth in EMEA and Asia-Pacific will continue, though there could be some blips in China and Europe, it added. This is likely to hit Indian providers who are still dependent on the Americas for about 60 percent of their revenue. Many of them are trying to expand their operations in Asia Pacific, particularly China, and in Europe. The outsourcing is very helpful in the businesses though other people don’t want this technique but the most people who have businesses even big or small business use an outsourcing technique, it helps to improve the things in the business and to communicate with others. Yet it also help one another, it also find solution for every problem that the company has. This is to provide also big and best strategies when it comes to outsource in other country. The outsourcing is a way of having a successful business. So that business will having a good and best end.