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Outsourcing News |
Outsourcing: Brazil tech stealthily steals a march on US and Europe |
In this Brazil Tech stealthy steals in the march on the United States and the Europe, Mark Kobayashi-Hillary said that the Brazil was still in the relatively unknown as the destination of the Information Technology services, this is yet certain in the areas of the tech sector were actually more on the advances than those […]
Danish IT Outsourcing Intelligence Report 2011 |
Based on the survey of the 674 Danish companies the intelligence report that either the outsource their Software Development and the Information Technology functions. The external service that provides the onshore within the Denmark, the near shore within or close to the same of the time zone or either the off shore, this is more […]
Growing beyond manpower outsourcing |
It has been appointed that the position of the regional Vice President and the General Manager for the HP enterprises Serives is Bassem Bouzid that has been appointed to the position., this is in the middle east, Mediterranean and the Africa region. For the HP’s Enterprise Service business in the Greece, Turkey, in the Middle […]
Poland cities shine in global rankings |
The top emerging outsourcing city in the world, according to a new report by Global Services and Tholon, is the Southern Polish city of Kraków. According to a new report by Global Services and Tholons, “the 2010 study features a total of 100 outsourcing cities and divides them into three categories – established, emerging and […]
90pc of Irish firms say outsourcing adds value |
According to the results of the new survey from the accountancy firm Mazars. In the Ireland there almost 90pc of the organization that was outsource business functions believe that doing the significant value to their businesses. The companies outsource to save costs to access the skill not available internally or even to improve the efficiency […]
United, Continental pilots picketing over outsourcing |
In three cities, The pilots of United Airlines and the Continental Airlines represented by Air Line Pilots Association International, say they will conduct informational picketing. The pilots said that “they will picket in Newark, N.J., and Houston, the site of major Continental Airlines hubs, on Monday and Tuesday and in Chicago, United’s corporate headquarters, on Dec. […]
1st place ITAPA Award in the category “Process improvement” for the project “Information system of Road Network Model” |
The most important and well-known Information Technology event devoted to the Information Technology in the Public administration in Slovakia is the ITAPA International Congress. The best Information Technology projects was awarded in the prestigious prices by the jury specialists. In the Process Improvement category, the best project was the IS MCS, this is the Information […]
The German Outsourcing Association at a glance |
The association has a main goal, this is to further influence the market in outsourcing the services in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The massive expansion of the communication within the market and the available information as well as the installation of an independent platform for maintaining and also extending the network that identified the key […]
Infopulse is one of the Top 3 IT employers of Ukraine and the best IT employer in Luhansk and Zhytomyr |
According to the results of IT companies rating conducted by developers.org.ua, “Infopulse has been chosen one of 3 best employers in Ukrainian IT industry and has become the best IT employer in Luhansk and Zhytomyr.” The rating of 20 companies in 9 cities of Ukraine. IT Engineers aged 22–33 were 2649 of approximately 4500 questionnaires were […]
Small Business Overseas Outsourcing Takes Center Stage As 4 Hour Work Week Becomes a Reality |
There was training course that people can take through the steps that can create a full time income in using the overseas workers. There was a book that explains how the outsourcing was no longer just for the big companies, it can be done inexpensively by the individuals and the smaller companies.The popular book was […]