Synergy Extreme United Kingdom

Your extreme services provider.
Home Based Jobs
Content Writing Job
Requirements Frequently Asked Questions
1. Resume
2. Sample article (can be previous work such as essays, literature, etc. but it must be original and satisfy the word count requirements)
3. Scanned photo (for accounting and marketing purposes)
What type of writing jobs do you need?
We do various writing jobs such as articles for newsletters, various tutorials, commentaries and opinions, research papers, scripts, etc.
Why is this jobs part time instead of full time?
We need to be flexible with the demand, since there are times that there are a lot of writing jobs needed and there are times that the demand is low. Since requirements are not that heavy we believe the home based infrastructure will work.
Is this a full time job?
No, this is a part time and home based job.
How do you market for clients?
We have four ways of marketing our services to clients the first is through our foreign employees which we provide an article book to show our home based writers to prospective client. The second is we market through our various foreign subsidiary websites that we have. The third is through our foreign partners that regularly requests articles from us. And the fourth is we have current clients that recommend our article creation services to their other colleagues.
Is there an age limit?
No, there are no age limits. Minors would need to have a signed guardian letter.
Do I need a specific background?
We have people with programming background that writes technical tutorials to students writing self help articles.
Do I need to be a communication major?
No, we have people from varied educational background and attainment.
Do I need to be a college graduate?
No, we do not require that at all. We have writers that have not finished grade school and yet they are able
Can people with full time jobs still work for you part time?
Yes, since these jobs are not always in high demand we recommend it to be only done part time.
Are there article requests regularly?
No, there are times when there are a lot of articles to be created and there are times when the demand for articles are low.
Can I write for another article creation company?
You have the option to sign up with other content companies. You do not need to be exclusive with us.
What is the minimum specification of the computer I would be needing at home?
As long as the computer can create documents (Microsoft Word .doc files) that would be fine
Do I need high speed broadband internet at home?
No, as long as you have access to e-mail and the internet to contact and submit articles to us that would be fine.
Will you give out our private information to the client?
For security reasons we would not give your private information such as address, name, etc. While other information that would affect the article view would be given such as educational background, religion, gender, etc. Since these would shape the point of view when you are writing the article.
Is there a timeline per article?
Yes, the standard timeline is one week. If the client would need it quicker there would be an additional to the price of the article.
Is there a standard price for articles?
We would negotiate with both parties before we start the article creation process. Besides the word count there are other factors that affects the prices of articles such as complexity, background, etc.
Is there a standard length of the article?
The standard length is 500 to 750 words, the client may negotiate for a higher or lower word count.
How will we get paid?
There are various ways you can choose to receive your payments to. Philippine bank to bank transfers are free. The transaction fee will be deducted from your account if you choose to be paid thru Paypal, Western Union, Wire Transfer, etc.
Is there a schedule for payment transfer like the first day of the month or a minimum before you transfer payment?
There is no schedule you can request us to send your payment at any time. The criteria would be the project has to be signed off by the client and the balance can cover the payment transfer.
Do I need to be near your office?
No, you can be anywhere in the Philippines. We are not yet open to applicants in other countries since we are still studying the laws and taxes for each country.
What are the languages of articles to be created?
When you speak more than one language there is a greater probability to get more content creation work. Since we have clients that needs articles in Tagalog, Nihongo, Spanish, German, Dutch, etc.
Is there a possibility to have this as a full time job?
There are instances when you have created a lot of articles and your writing skills have been truly developed and the client would want to hire you as a full time writer. We have a few full time writers that are working with us full time already.
If I would apply as a full time employee in your company will it help my chances by being a part time home based employee?
It would certainly help since if there are full time openings in our company and you have been a part time employee we would know wether you are dependable, reliable and easy to work with.
Why will I join you when I can find clients on the internet on my own?
With us you are guaranteed of real paying clients. We also have marketing offices in other countries to market us. Since we have foreign offices worldwide that can have face to face meetings with the client. So if we are unsure about the client we will not let them do business with us. Therefore you will not be scammed by people on the internet.