Author Archives:
jean |
The Politics Of Outsourcing |
The head of the major U.S. trade group said, “Some of the nation’s biggest corporations are not up front about where their workforce lives because of politics” The executive director of the Alliance for American Manufacturin, Scott Paul said “outsourcing has become a major lightening rod, and the media coverage they’re likely to get is unfavorable,”Among […]
Floods hit Bournemouth |
In the south coast resort of Bournemouth,, the torrential rain has drenched the residents and holidaymakers. The dorset police said “the floodwater up to the level of car bonnets in some areas, with manhole covers lifting and, in one case, a “fountain” of water gushing upwards as a road split under the pressure. The […]
WNS Will Move Forward with Plans to Open Delivery Centers Onshore |
The third-largest business process outsourcing or the BPO in India was planning to set up the delivery center in the US following the high unemployment rate and the demands from the clients to have onshore presence. “By the end of the financial year, the company set up the delivery venter with the 200 employees in […]
3rd InternationaI Outsourcing Summit to focus on non-voice, complex IT-BPO services |
The Third Annual International Outsourcing Summit (IOS) will be hosted by the Philippines. This is the landmark event for IT-BPO industry with the sessions led international delegates. The summit provides a platform to assess progress towards development goals provided in the IT-BPO Road Map 2011-2016. The projects potential annual growth of up to 20% over […]
Businesses looking to outsource as a way of reducing costs |
In the popularity, the process of the outsourcing has seen rise. According to the expert, choosing the outsource IT service, it could help the business to save money. The chairman of the national outsourcing Association, Martyn Hart , where there were the winners and the losers, the passing non-core activities was over the specialist providers […]
Software Offshoring in Transylvania |
In the Romania, the three of the main offshoring destinations was located in the region of the Transylvania. The Cluj-Napoca, Brasov and the Timisoara was the location. The macroeconomic data show that Transylvania was accountable for around 35% of the Romania’s GDP and it has the GDP per capital. The majority of the elite institutions […]
Cautious Way to IT Outsourcing |
The way in the transformation is that the GS 100 survey highlighted the fact that IT outsourcing market. In presenting a positive picture. But what is happening currently in the US market is triggering uncertainties and it will be interesting to see what way the IT outsourcing industry takes from here. The growth rates remained under pressure […]
With US downgrade, traders urged to focus on local market |
The Cebu business leaders has suggestion to deal with the unprecedented downgrading of the US economy from an AAA category to AA by Standard and Poor’s. Cebu business leaders suggested that “Invest in the domestic market. Strategize as an industry and not as individual players.” and “Put in place measures that will help cushion the […]
Destination Europe Nearshoring Continues to Drive Demand |
The significant nearshore the activities this year the Europe emerged within the markets. On the global outsourcing map , in the post recession phase, the low cost countries like India, Philippines, and China was remain the most attractive destinations. In the other hand of the spectrum in Europe it was captured the good amount of […]
India outsourcers hope for boost from US rating woes |
The US rating downgrade could boost the South Asian country’s flagship information technology sector by pushing overseas clients to seek more savings, according to India’s main outsourcing trade body on Monday. Also the National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom) added in a statement it was “also counseling the Indian IT sector to maintain […]