Our production facility in the Philippines allows us to provide reliable services. Using state of the art technologies and fully managed services. |
Spacious cubicles measuring 1.3 square meters and equipped with sound silencing materials. |
Training rooms with the latest audio visual equipment provides our staff with the latest best practices to accomplish their tasks. |
We provide training to our staff and we help them achieve extra certifications in order to update their skill set. We also allow video training with our clients so that you can train more than one staff at a time. |
For every work room we have a dedicated manager to supervise and manage our teams. |
We provide a fully stocked pantry so that our agents would have convenient access to healthy meals. |
Our technology department monitors our data center and provides technical support to our staff. |
Our data center us comprised of a Cisco router which is load balanced with leased line provided by two telecommunication providers to eliminate any internet down time. |
Stable electricity is achieved using redundant uninterrupted power supply backed up by a diesel generator for longer power outages. |